Built-in Services
Vecco’s Collaborative Application Framework (CAF) business applications platform is built upon a foundational array of sophisticated generic services that enable it to address a wide range of business processes from very simple to highly complex, collaborative processes. Key elements include:
Business Process Management
- Business processes can be graphically generated using the Vecco Business Process Studio
- Business processes can be nested (one business process can invoke another)
- Business process execution is supported by a suite of built-in services
- Agents can be deployed as plug-in services to accomplish complex tasks in business processes
Business Agent Framework
- Graphical design and creation of business and integration agents
- Suite of pre-defined agent components and design templates
- Agents leverage other built-in services allowing them to be “lightweight” and easily adapted
- Agents can be deployed on remote servers to support data synchronization and integration
Alert/Event Management
- Real-time event generation and propagation
- Publish & Subscribe based event delivery
- Real-time business alerts generation and notification
- Alert lifecycle management and problem escalation
- Email and other Personal Communication Devices event pushing
Historical Metrics Data Processing Flow
- Powerful math engine for computing statistics
- Bucketizer for aggregating events into planning periods – telescoping periods supported
Business Reporting & Analysis
- Web-based reporting and analytics environment
- Graphical wizards for easy creation of business reports & analyses
- Multi-dimensional data aggregation and visibility
- User definable dimensions for analytical purposes
System Management
- Web-based system management console
- Supports distributed system management in a multi-partner environment
- Supports standard network management protocols
- Run-time monitoring of all system components
- Alerts via system, email, SMS delivery on critical system exceptions

Is Lack of Real-Time Synchronized Data Threatening Your Ability to Service Your Customers?
Your Business has just received great news: your sales for a specialty item manufactured in-house are through the roof. In fact, they’re way over forecast. However, as the Supply Chain Planner, there’s bad news: you’re short on production capacity and raw materials. Coordinating your global supply...